I understand that there are special challenges that
face any couple with special needs, whether one or both of you is disabled, because I lived as the disabled partner in such
a relationship myself. Yet I congratulate you warmly on your decision to get married, to partake of the happiness a deeply
committed relationship brings! My wish for you both is joy, and that you may help one another.
Seventeen years ago,
when I became a young stroke survivor, I became a member of the "differently-abled" community. I was married, and raising
a young daughter. My experience of living as a newly-disabled partner in my own marriage relationship was the beginning of
my education! Now, still a member of that "differently-abled" community, I am an ordained wedding minister.
Are you
looking for someone who can understand some of your unique problems as a couple? Someone who can rejoice with you as you plan
this momentous step? Someone to whom you're only "special" in the best sense of the word?
I invite you to take a look
around my site; especially at "My Story" (link at the end of Rev. Susan biography), a very personal expression of the way
I experience my life and my calling.
I am gentle, caring, and incurably optimistic. Whatever your situation, we can
find a way to meet, and talk, with no obligation on your part.
