Rev. Susan Varon, Officiant of Love


An Interfaith, Non-Denominational, Intercultural Ceremony YOUR Way



This meditation was written for a woman about to embark on big changes in her life, including moving to a new city, and it was delivered in the form of a tape recording.

Love yourself.
I suggest to you, as you relax, and let your breathing deepen, that you open to the possibility of loving yourself, hold that thought in your mind
and heart while these words continue to flow. Breathe, and let love come in, however you understand this. Breathe, and feel your softness, your tenderness, opening.
Breathe in, and breathe out.
You are powerful, you are strong—now let your tenderness come in.
Your sweet tenderness that is willing to surrender. Willing to see yourself as God sees you. Willing to accept yourself completely as a perfect child of God, as the woman She created without a single flaw.
Breathe, and let all thoughts go. Simply inhale and exhale. Focus only on your breath.
(pause 2 minutes)
As you continue to breathe in, and out, be aware that you are breathing in the perfection of God, and breathing out the perfection of God…. The perfection of God, meaning that you are perfect just the way you are…..your softness is not a mistake, your willingness to be open is not a mistake….continue to breathe….
(pause 2 minutes)
Continue to breathe, and to be open to the idea that you are the perfection of God, just the way you are…..As you go into the longer silence, let that thought be your anchor … hold it loosely, and lovingly..and breathe….
(5 minutes silence)
God already knows your perfection and is waiting for you to know it….. waiting for you to say, Yes God, I surrender to your idea of me, I surrender my willfulness……
The Truth of who you are is so much more beautiful than the picture your ordinary mind clings to… (pause)
continue to be aware of your breath. Just breathe, and surrender to the loving silence…
(5 minutes silence)
You are going into a process of transition, of life change and opportunity. And yet the Truth of who you are will not change at all. The Truth of who you are will shine. Love yourself during this time, and breathe. Remember who you are, and breathe. You are powerful enough to let your soft and tender aspect shine through, you are powerful enough to accept all of who you are.

Let your in-breath be your in-breath, and your out-breath be your out-breath….
Simply this…. (pause) And surrender to the willingness to not know…. to walk on faith, and to not know. During the coming time, especially, be kind and supportive to yourself, be gentle, allow yourself to take your time. (pause) The knowing will come, and it won’t feel forced, if you allow yourself to breathe, and take your time, and listen within.
(big pause)
Thank you, God, for your guidance and your care. I am so grateful to know that I can just let go, that I don’t have to do it all by myself. I’m so grateful to be reminded that I’m not alone. I accept your guidance,
the sure knowing that speaks to me from inside
my own self.
(big pause)
Breathe, and let go….of all concerns….
Breathe, and love yourself.
Thank you, God, for this time to devote entirely to myself, and to you. I am ready to face my day, remembering who I am.


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